Sunday, January 24, 2010

Life Continues....

In four days it will be the first anniversary of our friend Ken's death. A year ago at this time, I was in Vienna and Kim had flown back to Seattle to be with Ken and his family. So much has happened in the last year...We've returned home to Seattle, gotten resettled, become reemployed, and are encountering what each new day brings--some of it I like, some of it I don't but isn't that what life is about? I could rant about politics and the state of the world and nation but I will spare us all of that...."Well done, Rachel!" (Sister Wendy here; I am checking for typo's since Kim is absent.)

And speaking of Kim's absence, she is currently in Florida visiting her father who is living in an assisted living facility ; I don't think that he knew she was coming for a visit. I will leave you with this image that Kim shared with me by phone.

Upon her arrival at the facility, she saw her father giving dancing lessons to those around him. He had his back to her and didn't see her come in. She walked up to the woman he was dancing with and said, "May I cut in?"
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These are the moments to savor. Thank you.

1 comment:

Jesheckah said...

It continues but it will never be the same.