Wednesday, January 7, 2009

More Snow!

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For the last two days we've awoken to snow. As I write this, just around noon, the snow continues to fall. Kim is off shopping (as in the grocery store!) and I continue to try to get well. My goal today is to make chicken soup and not be grumpy!

We're pretty low key here; lots of reading and web surfing.

Oh, and games scores are the following:

Cribbage: Rachel 110 Kim 69

Hollywood: Rachel 152 Kim 217

And finally, you may recall that we have posted the blog site for Dom and Louise whom we visited in Lucca. You'll want to check out her recent and future postings as she is giving us some Tuscan recipes. You can access it by scrolling down to the bottom of our blog and clicking the link OR, just go to: Abbastanza Buono - Living in Italy: Happy New Year! Buon Appetito!

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