Saturday, October 10, 2009

Enjoying The Festival of Sukkot....

Wikepedia tells us:
"A sukkah (Hebrew: סוכה‎, plural, סוכות, sukkot, often translated as "booth") is a temporary hut constructed for use during the week-long Jewish festival of Sukkot. It is topped with branches and often well decorated with autumnal, harvest or Judaic themes. The Book of Vayyiqra (Leviticus) describes it as a symbolic wilderness shelter, commemorating the time God provided for the Israelites in the wilderness they inhabited after they were freed from slavery in Egypt. It is common for Jews to eat, sleep and otherwise spend time in the sukkah. While Sukkot is a joyous occasion and is referred to in Hebrew as Yom Simchateinu (the day of our rejoicing) or Z'man Simchateinu (the time of our rejoicing), the sukkah itself symbolizes the frailty and transience of life and our dependence on God".

Our friend, Bernice, built this sukkah and invited us for a wonderful evening dinner.
The night was crisp and cool but the conversation and company was warm and nurturing. Friend Jill is not seen because she was our photographer.
That's Bernice on the left; too humble & shy to look at the camera.
Did I mention that she's a great cook and baker??
In Bernice's day life, she is a librarian; in her other life, a fantastic artist.
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Thanks Bernice!!

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