Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pain au Chocolat....

Today is a quiet Sunday morning with wandering the streets of Toulouse for our coffee and daily pain au chocolat....Oh, yum, they are a treat that we usually reserve for special occassions.  But, given that we are in France, we are trying to be good visitors.

We had a very nice time watching a very handsome, efficient young man do his coffee making craft as he served many people in a cafe.  I will post his picture; I have named him Jacques.

We visited the basilica Saint Sernin, a grand church that was built in the 11th century.  One of its major features is an incredible pipe organ.  We arrived in the church 5 minutes before the end of mass and were treated to a fantastic organ concert! For now, hear it in your mind and later, we will treat you with the sounds of Saint Sernin and Toulouse. 

For now, we say adieu and we are going to pick up Sister Wendy who is taking a personal and special tour of the basilica.  Because she wears a special outfit, she gets special treatment!!  She did not even once advocate for our being able to accompany her....She is retaliating for the time spent in my bag.  This trip she is a bit more demanding.

Jean and Linde arrive tonight and we begin a new chapter....

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