Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Since we lugged so many books over here (how could a former bookseller NOT bring a ton of books... as books in a suitcase will win over clothes every time!) and both Jean and Louise have each given or loaned us many, too, we thought we would share "our reads in Italy" with you. (the image above is a stock image, not our book shelves, so don't think we brought a book about Florida to Italy) To find the list, you'll have to scroll down to the end of the entire blog where you'll see the books we've read thus far (we will update the list as we finish a book). Kim, of course, couldn't resist putting stars next to ones she really enjoyed- Rachel who is much less opinionated declined to use the star system. We both enjoyed the mystery novels (Leon and Hiaasen) but they were not starred either. And should you be interested...there is a world map showing the locations of our blog readers and also links to the blogs of Louise in Lucca and Steve in Copenhagen. So keep scrolling!


Steven Levery said...

As you might expect, I can totally relate to this. I took 6 trips back to the US this year, and on every one I brought home a good sized athletic bag packed with books. In addition I mailed three small boxes (at ridiculous expense). Finally I managed to fill up the equivalent of a decent sized bookcase and feel a bit like I actually live here.

Couldn't help noting that, of all the books in your list, I haven't read a single one (although I have read - and enjoyed - quite a number of essays by Atul Gawande in the New Yorker over the years). Lest you think that's because I'm not reading anything at all - which would beg the question why I'm spending all that effort to bring books over here - I will say I've recently finished 'The Master and Margarita' by Mikhail Bulgakov (4 stars), and am almost finished with 'The Yiddish Policeman's Union' by Michael Chabon (5 stars). So the books aren't just sitting there in my living room looking pretty.

Read on!

La vita Alessandria said...

Why doesn't this surprise me, Steve?
But I am glad to hear you are spending time reading some good fiction rather than just scientific articles. I really want to read "The Yiddish Policeman's Union" by Chabon (loved Kavalier and Clay!!) so when you visit, please let me borrow it. Our darling daughter, who didn't have a chance of escaping our book crazy/collecting genes, read a couple of the books off this list when she was here in July. And since she has your writing talent, I should ask her to write the reviews. I can only manage stars.

Steven Levery said...

Kavalier and Clay is on my shelf and next on my list. 'The Yiddish Policeman's Union' is one of the two or three best books I've read this year. Incredibly clever and funny.

Actually, I'm not reading enough science these days.

I'm afraid Siegy may be too busy these days to read much at all.

BTW I enjoyed your pictures of snow. We don't get so much up here near the Arctic Circle.