Monday, March 2, 2009

Final Carnevale...

Alessandria's celebration of Carnevale was Sunday, March 1. Kim kept commenting that the weather has been sky blue for several weeks now and it's too bad that Alessandria was greeted with rain on our Carnevale day. My comment back is that Lent has begun. What's this celebrating during Lent about? Alessandria (and Milan) have wrought the rain upon themselves.

The celebration began at 3PM and consisted of a parade and the throwing of confetti. The parade was rather "folksy" in its presentation but nonetheless a happy celebration. Many of the floats had themes of social services and various community agency resources. All were pulled by big tractors. For those of you in Seattle, think Fremont Fair....

Here was the theme of Isis and Romans celebrating their decadence.
AirItalia with helpful oars...
We have no idea what this means--"news flash", "news strip", "strip the news"?
Football!!, not soccer....

It actually had a them of nonviolence and finding better ways to express oneself....
More bad mysticism.....
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They think I'm one of them....

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That's it. It's over.


Anonymous said...

I tried to tell my dear partner that the Fremont Fair's parade is way cooler AND it is especially so because motorized ANYTHING is not allowed (no trucks pulling floats- all people powered!)and they have nude bicyclists, and at least a mile's worth of very interesting and very creative floats. This was the small city version of Carnevale and while it was cute in its own way, it was in no way comparable to the Fremont Solstice Parade. I dare you to publish this, dear.

La vita Alessandria said...

Dare all you want--I believe in free speech and the right to personal opinions. So HA HA back at you!