Monday, May 25, 2009

A Weekend in Alessandria...

Although our time in Lake Como was glorious and wonderful, it was nice to return "home" to Alessandria. Upon our return, it has gotten downright HOT--in the 80's and 90's! Too hot given that, technically, it's still Spring. We are very happy and grateful for our little lower level apartment which remains fairly cool even in hot weather. It was too hot to imagine going to the gym as it doesn't have fans and the air conditioning is mediocre at best. I only wanted to think about:
but Kim decided we should get out for a walk and here are some of our sights....The gentleman on the outside was pulling along this little cart (on the bike path). The gentleman inside was happily waving and enjoying his ride.
Despite the heat, multiple layers are still being worn by many locals.
Kim decided that she would run a bit, then walk, then run, then.... Me, I took pictures and remained in the shade.
European elections are coming June 6 and 7th. These ad billboards are all over the city. They're called "propaganda direttas".
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Everyone has their own opinions....
These two really caught our attention--they're sponsored by Lega Nord. Rita tried to explain it to us but we still weren't clear. We think it means that Italy's immigrants should have their own space set aside a la our Native Americans- and oh the joy of reservation living! When Kim asked Rita if it was perhaps like the Palestinians, she said yes but, really, we are not sure if we understood. We do know Lega Nord is very anti-immigration so the reservation idea may be correct.
Many were out enjoying the bikes. I wish you could see the cigarette coming out of the older man's mouth!
Someone is very happy about Spring!
Rita came by and invited us to Sunday lunch..She'd just come back from running errands on her bike...check out her shoes--they match her golden belt. She kept trying to tell us where, at the big market, we too could make such grand purchases!
Sunday brunch. Sigh, it was sooo good and we are so going to miss Rita and her cooking. Rita said, in English, about our leaving: "I am very, very sorry". And ohhh boy, so are we.
To cheer us all up she showed us a kit Chiara had purchased for fake fingernails. She thought I should explore the possibilities....
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Later, after lunch we ran into Massimo and his son, Eduardo.
Eduardo didn't want his picture taken because we told him that we would be leaving in 3 weeks and we won't see him again. He is living in Turin with his mom and won't be back before we leave. I had to sneak...
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Kim went into our apartment and I found her crying...It's really going to be hard to say goodbye to all these wonderful people we have met. We have been so lucky and everyday, I say: Thank you.

1 comment:

Louise at Abbastanza Buono said...

Dear Kim and Rachel,
The end of your post almost made me cry. I know how you feel. Each time we go it is difficult. However, I always tell guests you HAVE to assume you will be back. Think of how much more of Europe and Italy you have to see. You will just have to do it via Alessandria each time so you can see your friends. Also, the Lega Nord poster: it roughly translates as "They allowed quick (easy?) immigration. Now they live on reservations." In other words, don't let the foreigners in or all the real Italians will be outnumbered. Pretty xenophobic if you ask me. Looks like we are not going to Sicily so might still get up to see you. Any change in your agenda next week?