Friday, April 2, 2010

Going Home....

While heading home today I had the following encounters--

On a busy Seattle downtown street,
a gentleman sitting in a wheelchair
both legs amputated just below his hips.
He slept deeply, looking almost serene.

Below him, an exploded bottle of red wine;
a running red star permeates the sidewalk.

Marking Passover, we the crowd,
part around him like the Red Sea.

I now sit on my bus, heading home.
Another gentleman in a wheelchair sits in front of me--
he rambles loudly and incoherently.
"Wanna hear a joke?"
"Hey man, I'm an alcoholic, not a junkie."
A clean cut man tries to speak to him, "Lower your voice."
"Hey you! Go look in the mirror--and God bless you."
Young men leave the bus and as they pass his seat they scream,
"F*** You!"
He quickly replies, "Wanna get a drink?"

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