Saturday, June 6, 2009

Piazza Upgrades...

Over the course of the last 6 months, this little piazza has been completely torn up and blocked off. A couple nights ago, they had their grand opening and, of course, we attended. This piazza is one of the closest to where we live and we've walked through and around it hundreds of times over the last year...

Piazzetta Della Lega newly furbished.
The event began at 9:30 PM with the release of reddish orange balloons--
which I was unable to capture!

People wandered and chatted. On a large screen they showed a video tape of the restoration process.
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Some locals looked down upon us....

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Of course, there was music...

Then, just a few blocks down from the above piazza is another one that also recently was refurbished. Kim believes this one is much better; to me, they're two very different types and styles.

Over our last year here, throughout the city, they have constantly worked at beautifying and upgrading different locales. That's just a small part of why we....
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