Monday, July 20, 2009

Hermione Undertakes a Project....

Little Hermione has gotten over her "adjustment reaction" since Kim and Rachel returned home. She's happy and wanted to show the girls how much she appreciated that they reappeared. As she put it, "One day they were gone and then one day they were back; mystifying". So, knowing that Kim is working hard to bring home the bacon and cans of tuna....and....Rachel is taken in by her job search, Hermione wanted to do something special. AND, given that the girls' 25th anniversary was just a few days away, she decided to act on her crazy plan.

So, to begin, Hermione wandered the property and got a few ideas....

Then it came to her. "I will redo the yard for their anniversary" she said. I responded by gently
reminding her that it was a bit of a huge task and wouldn't a nice card
do just as well? But, no. You know how cats can be.

So she thought and thought and pondered and pondered. Then she decided that she would forgo one can of food per day and switch to the dry stuff--morning dry, evening canned. Giving up food for art and others sounded soooo giving to the Leo she is. "This will be an interesting life challenge and experience for me" she purred to herself.

What a process! She almost regretted it as soon as she started it. There were men everywhere digging and playing loud music "Canta no llores.....". They dug and hauled and dumped huge piles of sand (a plus) and brought in pile after pile of brick pavers and then dug even more.
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She hoped Kim and Rachel wouldn't notice because, as I said, it was to be a surprise.
Pathways forming....
Pavers appeared...
She examined each paver personally...
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The workers were diligent and fine craftsmen. They barely stopped for lunch and when they did, they just heated up pizza in their travelling microwave.
The look....
Meanwhile, Siegy arrived home with beau, Dan King. What fun they had looking at their fancy phones with all the features. Rachel, being the daughter of an engineer, was very taken by them. I had to gently pull her aside and remind her that she is unemployed and such devices do not feed the soul or the stomach. I do think she heard me.
The calm before the storm. Hermione was about to let the cat out of the bag to spring her surprise. (Also, she needed some help putting a few things together).
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It takes a village (or family visiting) to complete a project....

Even though friend John is highly allergic, he wanted to help out Hermione. His help was invaluable! (And, my, what muscles....ooops, there I go again!)
Soon it was "happy return to Seattle and happy 25th" party time! Guess what the theme was? Can you guess what Rachel decided to cook? Email her for answers.
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A transformed back yard...
The happy guests...
Siegy and Jill reunite.
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Notice those pavers! Notice the gentle curves....
The youngest attendee, little Marco with dad, Francesco.
Dan led the gang in song....
Kim and Rachel respond to the surprise. Hermione stayed under a bush, watching their reaction from afar and not wanting to steal the lime light.
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Siegy leads a toast....
Friends watch, ponder, think of their own lives as Rachel and Kim discuss their 25 years and their time in Italy....
What friends!

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And lest you think I didn't enjoy myself, well just think again. Here I am with my gang of chums. Unfortunately, little Dopey had just a tad too much to drink.
It took Sgt. Bazooka to pry away the straw.
And Hermione? Well, she was just exhausted after the soiree. All the clean up (with loads of help from friend Toni) and recycling and putting away food. The poor dear hasn't moved since late last night.
But fear not. I did check to see that she is breathing.....
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Dreaming, I'm sure, of good friends and family...Missing those who are no longer with us but having a lovely visit in her dream realm. Well done my little furry friend.
Amen. sw


Unknown said...

Yay, I'm so glad the blog continues back at home. This last entry was incredible -- how did you have the energy and organization to re-decorate the backyard when you had just gotten home? Well, I suppose it was Hermione who did the lion's (??) share... Lovely pix, great friends and lovely garden, and Siegy looks beautiful, as do you both. Congratulations on your 25th!!! My, my.
Barbara from Boston

Steven Levery said...

Great post! Not quite as good as being there, but fun to see nevertheless. (Hope you found my message?)