Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Sweet Young Texan Encounters Seattle....

Lucky me. Fourteen year old niece Rachel, on her way to connecting with other family members for a trip down the California coast, stopped in Seattle for a quick visit.
Rachel is teaching herself how to play the guitar so the perfect place to visit was the Experience Music Project--a museum created by billionaire and music aficionado Paul Allen.

In addition to the music portion, the museum houses a big Science Fiction section and also were having a special exhibit on Jim Henson of Muppet fame.
It's a curvy, wacky outside design that has grown on the city of Seattle over time.

First, to the music section!
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A tribute to the late Michael Jackson--one of his famous gloves and outfits.
Assorted guitars that caught Rachel's eye and made her drool a bit....
Her favorite Gibson electric, number something or other.
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The museum has an emphasis on the word "experiential" and here Rachel takes advantage of the opportunity.
At one point, I stepped away to an outside lobby to rest my tired feet.
While out there, I heard someone really getting down and jamming.
After a few minutes I walked back in and guess who it was???

Rachel told me that people would stop by and asking her how long she'd been playing....
Boys too, who when they say "it was a girl" walked away grumbling.
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In addition to jamming, we took in old friends such as R2D2....
and our buddies, Bert and Ernie.
Later, at home Rachel and Dan traded music tips and favorite musician names back and forth.
As for me, I knew no one they were talking about but was happy just to watch and listen.
Pretty special to have such a beautiful and talented young niece named after me.
As I already mentioned, lucky, lucky me.
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