Thursday, February 26, 2009

Daily Living...

This week we have been attending to details. The life of renters...our refrigerator died and it only took a week to get a new one. First a repairman had to come out (that took a couple days) and confirm that yes, it wasn't working properly and that it would cost too much to fix. A new one was ordered and today we received our new fridge. Since it's been cool here, our substitute refrigerator was a box that we kept outside on our patio.
That's Rossana on the right; she's our rental agent.
Switching the doors to open to the right.

One other small detail was getting a call from a collection agency because we hadn't paid our "cable" bill....neither Kim nor I remember getting one and since we rarely turn on the television, we didn't know that they had cut us off. It's really not cable; it's "canned" programming that's all in Italian and is boring. When we do turn on the television, it's for the local channels. For several months we'd pondered how to quit paying for the service we never have watched or used and now we know. The collection woman (Kim did all the communicating with her and figured out all the finer details) was great and a wonderful help. Her English was fantastic and when Kim complimented her, the woman told her that she is from Romania. So, a Romanian collection agent speaking Italian and English--very talented! Our bill is now paid--actually, we managed to pay it twice, (don't ask!) and now we know how to cancel. I told Kim that it took me coming to Italy to get sent to collections. I just hope this doesn't impact my future credit opportunities here in Italy or abroad!

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