Friday, February 27, 2009

Wandering the Streets & Canals of Venice...

Years ago, when we were last in Venice, it poured so much that the streets were flooded and we had to use big Hefty bags as waders. This time, the sky was blue but it was crisp. All in all, quite perfect!
Every turn brings us to a Kodak moment.

From one of our vaporetto rides, or as Kim calls it, "the subway system".
If only my feet could fit...such dreams!
Enough said.
This was on a very old door; no other information about the building was available but my imagination can only wonder who collected and then received the donations over the many years....
Bridge leading to the train station....

Their new Calatrava Bridge, completed just last year. It's made of glass, steel, and stones. It is now only the fourth bridge crossing the Grand Canal. The modern design is (no surprise) controversial given the city's rich history of architecture. More controversy: it doesn't allow for wheelchair access...
Life for the local worker goes on...we were so struck by the added details of getting supplies and equipment to the various work sites; I'm guessing it adds a bit to the overall bidding costs....
EVERYTHING, must be brought in by boat.
The old and the new...
Interesting storefront windows....

One of the hundreds of canals....
Creative ways to earn Euros....

Just plain pretty.

Confetti is as much a part of Carnevale as the costumes....

The Culprit!
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Next: The Island of Murano...

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