Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Blessed Rain!!

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August 6, 2008

After days and days of hot, somewhat humid weather, it's raining; actually pouring. Thunder began making its' presence heard here about an hour ago with low rumbling. At first I thought it was a heavy truck but it just kept coming, on and on.

Yesterday at about this time, (5PM) my little thermometer outside was reading 100 degrees, in the shade. We'd just gotten back from the library--a forced outing because we have been staying indoors a lot due to this heat. There is only a slight sense of accomplishment; so slight that today, both Kim and I have remained indoors all day in our same sleeping attire... We did both brush our teeth.

Yesterday, one of our neighbor's, I call her "La Signora," stopped me in the grocery store to say hello. Every time I see her, she speaks to me of the weather. I know she does this because I'm sure she thinks that's the only thing that I will understand; she's mostly correct ("Fa caldo, fa caldo" she says as she slowly shakes her head back and forth in disapproval). In any case, she informed me that this has been one of the hottest years in awhile (along with humidity). Great, I later thought! Dollar's the worst it's been in years and so is the heat! Oh well, I'm not complaining (too much) because this is our very terrific adventure!!

This picture is out of our front window, upon the inner complex. I tried to show the rain downpour but it's hard to capture. It continues to pour, the air smells marvelous, the thunder continues roaring, the sound of rain is blasting, and a nice cool breeze floats throughout our apartment. I love Italy and especially Alessandria!

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