Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Point of view....

August 26, 2008

Now just a moment; I’m sure many of you are wondering what has gotten into Kim. You are not alone. An honest confession is that, since we’ve arrived, both of us at different times have announced to the other, “It’s going to be a long year….” This, for me, is one of those moments. So I will try to clarify and give my own version and ask that you take a quiet moment out of your day and send me good wishes…

I first met Signore Angelo about a month ago when I was out shopping. At the time, he was very kind and asked me a number of questions about why I’m here, etc. I did let him know that I was here with “una amica” and didn’t see him again until Jean, Kim and I walked by and we stopped to say hello. Kim gave a passable version of that occurrence although I don’t know about the “only had eyes for me part”. I tend to not notice those things mostly because I’d rather just ignore and not get drawn into those life events.

Our encounter of which Kim speaks happened all very quickly. We shop at his place because he’s been friendly and we wanted to support his business. I greeted him with a “Buongiorno, Signore” to which he quickly replied, “To you, I am Angelo” (a comment that I would later identify as foreshadowing). As I started picking out my veggies, he began asking when we’d return to the US and couldn’t we just hide him in our suitcase? HA! HA! HA! We all laughed and smiled; Kim chose a couple of bottle of red wine. Then “IT” happened. As I paid him he reached out to me and I thought we were going to do the traditional quick kiss on each cheek, followed by arrivaderci and ciao! But, he pulled me c l o s e to him, did the two cheek connection, but then wouldn’t let go and began hugging me with a bit of force. As he hugged, he whispered in my ear (I could feel his whiskers tickling my ears!) to the effect of “We could have much love while you are here”. I pulled away and said, “No, Signore! Arrivaderci” and walked out the door. As I got out of ear shot I burst out laughing and told Kim what he’d said. She laughed and laughed leaving me to wonder and ask, “Why are you not jealous”? As we walked home, Kim starting singing, “Rachel has a boyfriend…” And that is what happened.

Next thing I knew, Kim was blogging her twisted version.

(I fear she doth protest MY version too much, non ѐ vero?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey gals;wow itsounds like you two are having some fun.It gives us such pleasure to get to read these and feel a part of this little adventure you are on.we are remembering our time in europe just about a year ago.it was so sweet and special.I wish we could visit you right now.it looks like such a cute romantic place.who knew how much fun you two could have together.I wish I had some fabulous story to tell you.well i did do the Danskin yes it's true.I swam 1/2 mile barely and biked 12.5 miles and ran 3.1miles.it's true and I did it in under 2hours.I can't wait ti do it again.we are going to our property this weekend.we will have a glass of wine around the fire for you.Keep the blog coming it's so fun.Rachael I think if he was abeautiful woman who was flurting with you,she might be jealous.xx love Toni