Friday, November 28, 2008

It's SNOWING!!!!!

When we woke up this morning and looked outside it had snowed overnight!

But, life must go on and we did head out to the gym....

One of the streets we walk down on the way to the gym. Note the women carrying umbrellas. They carry umbrellas here rain or snow!
Alas, upon our arrival to the gym, it was closed! What big babies!!

Streets of Alessandria....

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Now, almost 10 hours later, it is still snowing! We would guess that we have about 6 - 7" and no end in sight! Cars are stuck and sliding around on the little streets which are very mushy. If it freezes overnight, it's going to be a very huge mess for drivers tomorrow. Ahhhhh, the joys of not having to be anywhere AND being able to walk to our bakery and stores!

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