Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Question To All Of You....

Okay, to all you kind folks out there who have said you read our blog, I must ask you a question. This is in regards to the posting from Perugia that, when opened, had the shot of someone's personal buttock anatomy. It took a kind reader to bring it to our attention, "Hey Kim and Rachel, what's up with the a------- that's on your blog; did someone infiltrate???"

Since then, we have heard from several people who said, "Oh yeah, I saw that; I thought it was a bit odd but.....". Someone else said, "I thought you were just trying to be artistic" another, "well, you are living in Europe....".

Folks, folks, folks. Does this sound remotely like Kim and me? Does it follow the pattern you've come to recognize in these last 5 months of blogs???????? Would we have put it next to the picture of the fountain and duomo in Perugia with no explanation??????


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