Monday, January 5, 2009

It's The Epiphany AND a National Holiday...

Another holiday; everything's closed. Rachel is in such a pissy mood that you'd never know it was supposed to be a day of celebration... well at least for Catholics in Italy. But given that she has been sick with a horrible head cold, relapsed, gotten better, gotten worse and now is ready to either kill me or herself, this apparently is NO time to celebrate or even be a little bit happy. Given this is on the heels of my extended irritability for the same reasons, let's just say too much time together is reaping its inevitable problems (snarl, snarl). But tomorrow should be a better day and it will come none too soon.


Zalman Paktorovics said...

Cheer up, guys! This Monday, Al Franken was certified as the winner in the Minnesota senate race.

Unknown said...

don't kill each other. cause if you do pop will be lonely in the old age home.